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CRIG signs the Contract for the Macao Song Mountain-ring Pedestrian System Design and Construction Project

On Oct. 20th, 2020, the signing ceremony for the Macao Song Mountain-ring Pedestrian System Design and Construction Project was held in Finance Services Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region. And the Contract for the said Project was signed in between the representatives of the Joint Venture led by CRIG and the Macao Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau.

The Project comprises an approximately 300m-length pedestrian tunnel in Song Mountain, Macao, penetrating through the two ends’ of the mountain for the convenience of pedestrians. After completion, the walking distance will be shortened from about 1100m which currently circles around Song Mountain to approx. 400m. Automatic pedestrian system and vertical lifts will be provided inside the pedestrian tunnel, and the tunnel will be provided with accessible traffic facilities. The Project will also improve the road-crossing environment for pedestrians in the surrounding area. After completion, it will improve the walking environment within the region, connect surrounding public facilities and leisure spaces, and make its due contributions to Macao’s green economy.

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